Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Poblem of People Having only Online Friends Essay

The Poblem of People Having only Online Friends - Essay Example According to the paper social anxiety disorders usually manifests as a persistent fear of social performance situations where a person is exposed to unfamiliar people. The individual sometimes fears that he might act in an embarrassing way and be humiliated in the process. In these instances, their exposure to social situations usually triggers their anxiety. As a result, such anxiety often manifests in their panic, crying, freezing or shrinking from social situations. The person afflicted with this disease is most often aware that his fears are exaggerated; however, he cannot control or manage such fears. As a result, these people avoid these social situations and veer away from situations which may cause them embarrassment. Their attempt at avoiding these embarrassing social situations often interferes with their lives and their normal academic, social, or professional activities. This essay highlights that the internet is often used by these individuals in order to acquire social interactions. They often find the internet a more comfortable place to meet and interact with other people. They find it a more comfortable setting because their fears in being embarrassed or humiliated do not exist in this setting. However, as a result, their moments of interaction become limited to the internet or online setting.

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