Saturday, September 28, 2019

ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

ART - Essay Example As a group we invite others in the community to be health conscious and, more often than not, we get positive results. This group does not only help each of us to be physically fit but also to be more at peace with each other and be united for a common good. 23. Political Ideology is a coherent set of values and beliefs about the purpose and scope of a government held by groups and individuals. The Conservatives believe that the government is best that governs least; big government can only infringe on individual, personal and economic rights; the Liberals, on the other hand, favor extensive governmental involvement in the economy and the provision of social services and take an activist role in protecting rights of women, elderly, minorities, and the environment; while the Libertarians favor a free-market economy and no governmental interference in personal liberties. 24. Civil Society is a society where citizens are allowed to organize and express their views publicly as they engage in open debate about public policy. This concept has taken on special importance in recent years in places like Iran and Afghanistan who have been ravaged by war and are in the status of rising again as nations freed from tyranny and dictatorship of their former leaders. 25.

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