Thursday, September 26, 2019

Employee motivation - case scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Employee motivation - case scenario - Essay Example switching all the data base on to a computerized Management Information System that can be accessed by each member from anywhere around the globe. Looking over the companies needs and requirements, the Lewins Change Management Model seems to be the most adequate choice of change for the organization. This shall be further justified along side the three steps to this process. During project proposal, several people will and will not be in favour due to personal reasons and opinions. These individuals will be reluctant to change and hence will resist for it to occur. The solution is to unfreeze the pessimism by convincing them of the benefits that will be received through the new system. The main reasons for reluctancy may be due to feeling neglected of their importance and value, autonomy, monotony of work, job insecurity, lack of computer skills and literacy, lowered salaries etc as stated by Freud. However, automation is the main concern considering all manual data systems (humans) will be replaced by computer systems. The company now re-establishes itself and the staff refreezes itself into the new change of work operations. This is done gradually as each member will adapt to the new system with time. Business activities will then be within a click of a button, with the vast media horizon of internet emails, chats, audio and video conferencing etc. (Normandin, 2012) All the departments will be affected including the accounts, administrative and human resource departments. The aim is to achieve paperless forms of communication with its various clients and suppliers. However, all the employees will not be in favour of this huge change so employee motivation strategies must be employed. Looking into Maslows Hierarchy of Phsical, Emotional and Intellectual Needs for Employee Motivation will help overcome resolve this issue. (Maslow,

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