Monday, September 23, 2019

International Intercultural Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

International Intercultural Management - Essay Example ncient times, many different matters are in the need to be managed, control of army, population management, religious matters, practices and management of culture across borders is a matter present from thousands of years. Corporations and business is changed in recent times, now even corporations are working globally and keeping cultures and philosophies part of the key factor which they consider while working globally. This world has become a global world and in order to make best out of the business world, no one can survive alone and these cultural barriers are also been broken. Domestic Market has started expanding globally and this globalization came with a huge responsibility of maintaining peace and harmony amongst different cultures and countries, this management is the key factor to reach the top of this corporate world. Advancements within the technologies associated with connection and also transportation, plus the lessening charges associated with production, brings about an increasing number of corporations benefiting from your developing accessibility associated with worldwide areas. Management of resources and all other business related matters around the world is becoming easy and cultural differences are becoming minor factor in growth and development. Leadership can be described as a position of a leader who guides others and being a good leader requires many qualities and a person who possesses such qualities can be a good leader. Good or bad leadership defines the success or failure of the particular country. Leadership is a very important pillar of a country, whole nation depends on the one pillar which makes or breaks a country. In broader perspective it can be said that leadership of a country is responsible success or failure of a country. Nigeria, Pakistan and China are different in terms of leadership and style of Government in these countries is diverse. Being a democratic country Nigeria has this negative image in terms of leaders

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