Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Radiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Radiology - Essay Example Each of these is important in recognizing radiological feature, ascribing a level of importance to the various finding in a single radiograph, and interpreting them, in conjunction with other available information.Knowledge of the clinical reason for requiring the radiographic investigation will provide background information to link with the radiological finding, and will often pose specific questions that need to be answer. It is important to decide if the question is been adequately answered, and if not plan the next stage of the investigation.Radiology is not limited for some uses; it is used in approximately all the field of treatment of diseases. Radiology is been used in Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Hematology, Neurology, Renal, Skeletal, and Respiratory Medicine. In these fields different types of radiograph is been used for different fields such as for the complete scanning of brain, CT-scan is used and for the complete bodies a different type. The type of radiology, which is been used in the field of dental surgery, is either plain radiology or a different type, as plain radiology, shows limited evidence of pathology and the signs are subtle. We have to discuss about the usage of radiography in the field of dental surgeries, this can solve the problems regarding the present use of radiography in the dental field. We have to consider the standard guidelines and methods given by the Government organizations for overcoming the problems with radiography used for dental surgeries. About the Dental profession: As we, all know that the dental profession is committed to delivering the highest quality of care to each of its individual patient and... In most of the countries, the health and safety at work statistic’s states that every person working in a hospital or general practice (referred to as HCW’s) has a legal duty to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to prevent cross-infection to protect themselves, their colleagues and the patients. In addition, the management of health and safety regulations 1992 requires that a risk assessment is carried out for all procedures to reduce the possibility of harm to staff and patients. Effective infection control measures are therefore required in dental radiography even though most investigations are regarded as non-invasive or non-exposure prone procedures because they do not involve breaches of the mucosa or skin. The main risk of cross-infection is from one patient to another from salivary contamination of work areas and equipment. HCW’s themselves are not a great risk during radiography but there are no grounds for complacency. This paper makes a conclusion that a dentist must know the patient’s health history and Vulnerability to oral disease, is in the best position to make this judgment in the interest of each patient. For this reason, the guidelines are intended to serve as a resource for the practitioner and are not intended to be a standard of care, requirement, or regulations. A Dentist must always understand the problem of the patient and as per the guidelines; a dentist must perform his operation so that the patient does not complain of any kind of problem in future.

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