Thursday, October 17, 2019

Personal Operative Theory Classroom Management Assignment

Personal Operative Theory Classroom Management - Assignment Example These beliefs are important to me because based on my personal experiences as a child and in teaching some children, children have tendencies of understanding things better through positive reinforcement. To make studying and learning an enjoyable experience it must be taught through empowering ways, and that disciplining must be carried in a caring, respectful, and fair manner (Spitzer, 2009). Â  2. On an educator’s standpoint, while it is still important for me that children learn the lessons effectively, I deem their learning of positive attitudes, having pro-social behavior, and accepting responsibility to be essential in their learning processes. I feel that imparting these behaviors in children are important because while they may forget the exact academic lessons that they learn, their behaviors will stay longer with them, and thus by helping them gain positive and productive behaviors as early as possible, this will help them grow up into well-adjusted and responsible adults in the future (Durlak, et al., 2011). As their guide, I deem myself to have primary responsibility within the classroom to reinforce positive behavior and detect and discipline negative or anti-social behaviors (with dignity and respect) at the earliest possible time, and as students I expect them to treat their classmates with respect through open-mindedness, to treat others as equals a nd not think that they are above others, and to be responsible with their studies (e.g. submit assignments on time). Â  3. I believe that respect is something that is learned through application and has a strong impact on an individual.

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