Friday, October 18, 2019

Bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Bullying - Essay Example Others group behaviors into several patterns, branding a number of those behaviors as bullying, illustrating that there are several ways to adequately deal with specified patterns of behavior. Like childhood bullying, workplace bullying entails the tendency of groups or individuals to employ persistent unreasonable or aggressive behavior against a subordinate or co-worker. Workplace bullying may include tactics such as humiliation and, verbal, physical, psychological and nonverbal abuse. This form of aggression is specifically challenging because, unlike the usual types of school bullying, bullies in the workplace frequently function within the developed policies and rules of the society and organization. In addition, bullying in the workplace is in most instances reported as having been carried out by management and takes a broad range of forms. Bullying may be overt or covert, may be known by the majority or may be missed by supervisors in the organization. Negative consequences of bullying are not restrained to the individuals who are targeted, and may cause decrease in an organization’s culture and worker morale (Randall, 2001). ... In addition, it is imperative to comprehend that bullying is typically perceived to be a pattern of behavior where a single or more actions will assist highlight that bullying is present. Bullying may include, and not limited to the following: Interfering with an individual’s work equipment or personal items; spreading malicious gossip or rumors; blocking applications for leave, training, or promotion; isolating or excluding an individual socially; criticizing an individual constantly or persistently; intimidating an individual; undeserved or unwarranted punishment; intentionally impeding or undermining an individual’s work; threatening abuse or physically abusing; belittling an individual’s views; eliminating areas of work without explanation; using profanity or yelling; persistently modifying work guidelines; developing a feeling of worthlessness; creating unattainable deadlines that will make the worker to fail; intentionally providing incorrect information or concealing significant details; assigning unbearable workload or duties so as to create needless pressure; making offensive statements or jokes; and invading an individual’s privacy by stalking, spying, or pestering (Rayner, Hoel & Cooper, 2001). Nonetheless, sometimes it is difficult to determine if bullying is taking place at the workplace. A number of researches assert that there exists a thin boundary between bullying and stout management. For instance, comments that are purposefully and are meant to offer positive feedback are frequently not perceived as bullying, but instead, are meant to help workers with their duties. Bullying has a number of negative consequences to the employees. Numerous workers value their jobs and do

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