Friday, August 23, 2019

Sensory Integration Assessment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sensory Integration Assessment - Term Paper Example The visual motor abilities of the child were measured from three experiments namely, Visual Perception, Motor coordination, and Beery-VMI. The skill of acquiring and reading visual stimuli perceived from the surroundings is known as visual perception. Visual perception skills considered are visual discernment, remembrances, position in the space, structural permanence, object field, and visual closure. In a given trial, the skill of synchronizing actions of different body organs in the space is called Motor coordination. This child shows deficiency in incorporating visual perception and/or motor coordination abilities as obvious from the VMI values. This child demonstrated difficulties with regard to visual motor assimilation as indicated by the three experiments. The percentile score of this child was 75%, 25% and 16% for Visual perception, Motor Coordination and VMI respectively when compared with that of the children of the same age which was 100% on the average. This child scored only 16% for VMI which is very low. The major difficulty for this child is the deficiency in VMI which in turn will affect the handwriting and other jobs which involve the coordination of hands and eyes. This child will require extra time for the completion of homework to compensate the said deficiency. This child shows visual perception and /or motor coordination abilities but still require practice to assimilate the two areas. If not, it may show visual and /or motor deficiency. Short Sensory Profile: The Short Sensory Profile Test determines the â€Å"sensory modulation disorders† (Bundy, Lane, & Murray, 2002, p. 8). Sensory processing is the major field which is usually used for evaluation because it represents the core concept compared to just modulations. The deficiency in sensory modulations is assessed from the responses of the object to a sensory stimulus demonstrating deviations from normal. The Short Sensory Profile Test results are as under: Raw Typical Probable Definite Sensory Processing System Score Performance Difference Difference Tactile Sensitivity 22/35 X Taste/Smell Sensitivity 4/20 X Movement Sensitivity 11 /15 X Underresponsive/Seeks Sensation 17/35 X Auditory Filtering 18/30 X Low Energy/Weak 12/30 X Visual/Auditory Sensitivity 12/25 X Total 96/190 X Thus the Short Sensory Profile Test demonstrated a definite difference in all the response categories investigated except â€Å"movement sensitivity† response where it demonstrated a probable difference. Tactile System: The tactile system discerns the outside stimuli with the help of receptors present in the skin. It discriminates different tactile stimuli. The effect of light touch is fast, diffused and dispersing and warns the nervous system of expected danger. Pressure touch slows down the nervous system. Its sensation is localized and discerns different shapes, textures, and sizes just from touch stimuli. The learning process is also enhanced by the tactile system. Any de ficiency in this system will result in learning problems. The clinical observations indicate that this child is deficient in tactile system. He may not detect stimuli or may show indifference to stimuli or give a

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