Monday, August 12, 2019

Managing Change in Organisation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Managing Change in Organisation - Case Study Example On this ground no organizational changes can be made because this will inflict the taxation procedures for the countries. In order to secure the smooth work operation other changes were made in the company. It was decided by the senior management that sub divisions should be introduces in order to the customers to receive the upmost of the service. The company has structured into different teams who manage the different processes. There is a "Customer Conversion Team" for each of the taxation countries. This team handles the incoming calls from not registered customers and tries to convert them to use our services. The team also prepares all the necessary documentation in order for a tax claim to be officially sent to the tax authorities in the given country. The "Quotation Team" gives a quote to the customer, after receiving his documents so as to what tax refund he is entitled to get back. Then if the customer is satisfied the tax file is applied to the country's Tax Office. After the tax application is submitted, the file is passed to the "Filing Section". This team handles the correspondence betwee n the client and the Tax Authorities obtaining information about the progress of the tax application and updating the client. After the refund has been issued the file is passed to the "Payment Team". ... Before the introduction of this organizational change each tax country was internally managing the whole process from converting the customer to refunding the taxes to his account. The main objectives that triggered this change were: Lower rate of converted customers; Unsatisfactory customer service care, due to overload of files to one and the same representative; Inability to administer newly registered customers, because of old cases; Desire to seek highly conversion rates; Managing successful business means most of all identifying the defects in the organization and attempting to control and over them the issues. Establishing a long-lasting business strategy is also of primary importance and the goal of was to accumulate more customers, who will be serviced in an excellent manner. Carr (1995) remarks that to understand the organizational change both the employees and the management need to carefully guide the process of the change and to define this change within the context of the overall good of the company. This means that leaders and senior management have to substantiate their decision of a change with initial discussions and smooth transition to the new operational structures. Organizational change should not be implemented for the sake of any change. Primarily, the efforts have to be directed into improving the "performance" in the customer service care industry and increasing the resources in alluring more customers into using the service (Conner, 1993). In analyzing the organizational change that took place in I found several advantages: The customer service representatives were focused on one task only - to convert the customer, to provide a proper quotation, to contact the tax authorities and to obtain the payment

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