Saturday, August 31, 2019

Describe with Examples the Importance of Recognising and Responding to Concerns About Children and Young People’s Development.

U1 – 2. 210-11-11 Describe with examples the importance of recognising and responding to concerns about children and young people’s development. The following things would cause concern about a child or young person’s development. If the problem was left untreated then things could get worse, and a delay in treatment could mean that the outcome is not as good as it would have been if treatment was started earlier. 1. Speech / Language. If a child or young person does not talk to anyone or even only speaks a few words compared to others, this may cause concern. This would socially affect the child or young person’s because they would find it hard to make friends, work in groups or even interact with adults. It would also affect their communicational development because they would find it hard to speak to people and also may find it hard to listen to instructions etc. Early intervention would be the best way to respond to this concern, the first step would be to have the child or young person’s hearing checked because if they have poor hearing they will find it hard to hear people so will not want to communicate with others in case they get something wrong. . Poor reading and writing. If a child or young person has difficulties with their reading and writing it may cause concern, but this may not be noticeable until the child is around the age of 6 or 7 because by this age they should have learnt how letters are formed and start to string words together. These are the main skills a child needs to help them develop in all areas. Due to poor reading and writing the child or young person will start to fall behind his peers of the same age. They may find it difficult to interact or make friends with others who are more advanced than them, in case they are bullied etc. They would struggle with their intellectual development not only with the reading and writing, but they would struggle with their memory and even their concentration. They would have a low self-esteem, and could also have a speech problem. They may become very disruptive in the class, because they can not do the work etc. The best way to respond to this concern would to inform the main teacher and also inform the SENCO, so that they can follow it up correctly as the child or young person may have dyslexia. 3. CO-Ordination. If a child or young person starts to show signs of clumsiness or struggle with their fine motor or gross motor movements then this would cause concern and make you wonder what could be causing this? Their social development may be affected as they may find it hard to interact with other children when playing games in the playground. The child or young person will have problems with fine motor and gross motor skills and therefore may struggle to use a pen/pencil, have hand-eye co-ordination problems, balance and even running. This will also have a knock on affect on them intellectually, because if they are unable to hold a pen/pencil then they will be unable to write. The best way to respond to this concern would yet again inform the child’s teacher and also inform the SENCO, as the child or young person may suffer from dyspraxia, and they will need to be assessed. . Signs of Abuse. It can be very difficult to recognise signs of abuse in a child or young person. They are some signs, which could alert staff to the fact that the child or young person might be being abused at home, for example constant bruising, or having unusual injuries for the child or young person. This may have an affect on their emotional development because they may suffer from low self-esteem, and be unable to name the emotion they ar e feeling. They may also have problems with their physical development because if the child or young person has been physically abused and hurt then they may be in pain when doing things. The best way to respond to this kind of concern is to inform the child’s teacher and also the head teacher and then they can then inform social services and the police and then they can look into the situation more closely. 5. Diet / Weight. If a child or young person’s diet / weight were to suddenly drop or increase in a short period of time then this would cause some concern about them. Things that would raise concern would be if they came to school and did not have any lunch (packed lunch) or if they only eat small amounts, this would make the child very irritable and very lethargic because they are not getting the right nourishment for one reason or another. If the child or young person is malnutrition they may have difficulty with their social development because they nay struggle with their speech and therefore are unable to interact and make friends. Their physical development may develop at a slower rate compared to the other children etc. The signs of a child being under weight could be that they have an illness like leukaemia, or the fact that they are being neglected at home. The best way for staff to approach this would to be speech to the parents/carer of the child or go to social services. 6. Behaviour. If a child or young person’s behaviour is more along a negative line constantly then this may cause concern and make staff etc wonder what could be causing the constant negative behaviour. This behaviour could be signs that the child or young person has ADHD, Autism etc. If left untreated then the child or young person’s development would be affected in a big way. Socially no one would want to be their friend if they constantly hit, kick or even bite others, this would then make is hard for them to make friends and share with others. If the child does have a condition that is affect their behaviour this would cause them to have poor concentration and their listening skills would also suffer. Emotionally they may be constantly angry or confused by what is going on. The best way to respond to this would be to inform SENCO and maybe introduce a behaviour chart in the class and reward the good behaviour.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Management and Supply Function Essay

It should be emphasised from the outset that purchasing and supply management is executed as an integrated part of the firm’s broader management (as part of the logistics management or supply chain management approach) *Purchasing and supply PLANNING is part of the firm’s general planning, mainly because the continuous supply of raw materials components & services is of a strategic importance to the enterprise. The supply market is just as important for the firm’s survival continued profitability as the sales market is the firms own product. Firm’s general planning must be integrated. *The ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE of the purchasing and supply function should be aimed mainly @ linking into the firm’s overall structure in the most effective way. The purchasing and supply function primarily renders a service to the enterprise. *Purchasing and supply COORDINATION should be aimed @ harmonising and aligning the activities of the purchasing and supply function with those of the other business functions. When a firm vests the authority for the purchasing and supply function in 1 person or team. Advantages: ;gt;Standardisation of materials and products is possible because purchases are made at one point ;gt;Purchasing and supply staff are afforded the opportunity to become experts ;gt;Control over all aspects of the purchasing and supply function is improved ;gt;Administrative costs are reduced by eliminating duplication DECENTRALISED PURCHASING ; SUPPLY ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Purchasing by different departments, branches or plants, while each of them enjoys an important measure of autonomy of decision making regarding the purchasing and supply function. Advantages: ;gt;Better liaision can be effected between decentralised purchasing and supply functions and the user functions of individual plants served by the purchasing and supply function ;gt;The needs users can be better satisfied because the purchasing and supply function knows them better ;gt;Different plants maintain their autonomy. Plant managers are often fully responsible  for the profitability of individual plants. According to the combined approach, common requirements of the different plants such as equipment and certain categories of raw materials, are purchased centrally head of office. The plants’ purchasing and supply functions are assisted by corporate   purchasing and supply in developing policies, procedures, and control measures, recruiting and training staff, auditing the   purchasing and supply performance of the plants. The main coordinating mechanisms of purchasing and supply management with other functions in the organisation, and with suppliers and customers, are definitely computer systems such as electronic data interchange(EDI), materials planning (MRPII) and distribution requirements planning (DRP). TWO TYPES OF COORDINATION Between purchasing and supply and other functional areas Purchasing coordination is lateral acts in an advisory/support method to the other functions in the enterprise. Between p and s and the supplier system Two dimensions to the coordination between p and s function and the supplier system. Firstly there is coordination with the whole supplier system and secondly with the individual suppliers. The flow of products and services from the supplier has to be effective, the p and s function has to ensure that coordination between them and the supplier ensures this occurs. This can be achieved by means of supplier alliances, integrated systems and inter-organisational teams. The supplier must become an extension of the buying enterprise. The chief coordinating mechanisms available to p and s management are open communication, strategic alliances, integrated systems, the conscious motivation of suppliers and standardisation of specifications, purchasing documents and purchasing procedures. CONTROL : PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE PURCHASING AND SUPPLYFUNCTION Control may be defined as a systematic attempt to reach objectives or set standards that accord with the enterprise’s goal, to observe actual perform- ance and compare it with the set standards, and to take corrective steps with a view to achieving the mission and goals of the enterprise. Objectives and basic principles of performance evaluation P and activities are complex, needs to have a control system. Feedback   on actual performance(measured against quantitative norms). This ensures that the p and s strategy is implemented at the various levels in the company. With this the p and s manager can monitor and improve the functions actual performance. Control ensures that all the other functions with p and s work optimally.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Charismatic leadership

Hence, most studies were done to seek to explain what leadership is and to identify the characteristic of the people who are successful in its leadership practice. Various leadership theories came out. Kurt Lenin identified leadership styles in three categories: Autocratic Leadership, Democratic Leadership and Delegating Leadership (Lippies, 1939). Max Weber classifies leaders as Bureaucratic Leader, Traditional Leaders and Charismatic Leaders. In 1978 Burns defined yet another classification: Transactional Leaders and Transformational Leaders. Burns Transformational Leadership Is similar to Charismatic Leadership style proposed by Weber.Many of the research have been done on various aspects of charismatic leadership. In this essay I would Like to give an overview of leadership and focus on charismatic leadership. In addition, I will identify Steve Jobs as a charismatic leader and explain his charismatic leadership with examples. 2. Definition of â€Å"Leadership† Leadership i s something very crucial to any group or organization. What a leader does Is usually very difficult to describe In words. John Martin defined leadership as a process In which the leader Is able to Influence the behaviors and actions of those eyeing led (Martin, 2005).While Keith Grant simply described leadership as â€Å"having followers†. Most of the definition is close to that of power, drawn from Webber and Dahlia's original idea that power (and thus leadership) was the ability to get someone to do something they wouldn't otherwise have done (Grant, 2010). Many are based on autobiographical or biographical accounts-relate leadership to the person regarded as leader. Others define leadership as a process-this may be the style that leaders adopt, or a process such as sense-making, or the practices of leaders.Some define dervish by simply considering what those in authority do-a positional approach. This approach tends to lock leadership into monopolizing a group or community to achieve a purpose-a result approach. Leadership vs.. Management The terms management and leadership are frequently used Interchangeably. But are they really the same? What are the differences between these two terms and what similarities they have In common? Both of leadership and management Involve groups of people and specific functions in relation to the group and its activities. It unless the group was in a specific context.An informal, friendship or trade union rope would not usually be described as having a manager, but there would inevitably be a formal or informal leader of such groups. A department would, however, have a manager as the formal leader of that particular group. The two terms therefore have aspects in common, but are synonymous only up to point. Leaders are said to be the ones with vision who are capable of getting the best performance out of their team, whereas managers are the ones who by concentrating on organizing, planning and controlling activity (Mar tin, 2005).Management What It Is complexity. Clear Job definitions. What It Produces†¦ Deals with Seeks to create order and discipline. Authority commensurate with responsibility Is all about doing things right. Careful integration of plans and effort. An emphasis on formal structures and systems. Leadership Flexible Job definitions. Deals with change. Seeks to create new approaches, breaks with the normal, stimulates innovation. Constant adaptation and accommodation to shifts in roles. Is more about doing the right things. Reliance on open dialogue and mutual trust to resolve conflicts. An emphasis on informal networks. Table 1 The difference between management and leadership Source: Stringer (2002) As far as I am concerned, leadership is setting a new vision or direction for a group while management commands or directs a group according to principles or targets that already existed before. Leadership and management are complementary and necessarily linked. Both of them are ve ry important in the organizations.As the world has come to the knowledge era, where value comes increasingly from the knowledge of people, management now is not Just to assign tasks but also to define purpose. 3. Charismatic Theory Charisma is a â€Å"divinely bestowed power or talent† and its etymological origins lie in he Greek word Charisma, from Sharks: â€Å"divine grace† or â€Å"favor† (Grant, 2010). Weber defined the term charisma as â€Å"certain quality of an individual personality, by virtue of which he is set apart from ordinary men and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities. House (1977) characterized charismatic leaders as full of self-confidence, with a high level of confidence in subordinates and high expectations for results. They also have a clear vision of the goal to be achieved, are able to communicate this effectively and lead by example. Charismatic leaders are with excep tional qualities which made them almost god-like for their followers. They inspire followers to transcend their own self-interest for the good of the organization and are capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on his or her followers (Robbins, 2005).Franklin D. Roosevelt, Margaret Thatcher, Jesse Jackson, Bill Clinton, Steve Jobs are the examples of charismatic leaders. After having described what is charisma and charismatic the attributes that charismatic leaders possess or what are the traits which make someone a potential charismatic leader? According to charismatic leadership theory, lowers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors (Conger & Kananga, 1988).After studying on this issue for a long period of time, Conger and Kananga (1998) then described five behavioral attributes of Charismatic Leaders- they have a vision, are willing to take risks to achieve that vision, are sensitive to both environmental constraints and follower needs, and exhibit behaviors that are out of the ordinary-that differentiate charismatic leaders from uncharismatic ones. Vision and articulation Has a vision-expressed as an idealized goal-that proposes a future better than the tutus quo; and is able to clarify the importance of the vision in terms that are understandable to others (Conger & Kananga, 1988).Vision is the key characteristic of charismatic leaders. They offer a vision (or lofty goal) of where the organization is headed and how it can get there (plan) (Dublin & Young, 2007). A sense of vision inspires employees to perform well. It encourages people to work, to strive for its attainment. For example, the vision set by Bill Gates for Microsoft is â€Å"Empower people through great software, anyplace, any time and on any device†. Personal risk Willing to take on high personal risk, incur high costs, and engage in self-sacrifice to achieve the vision (Conger & Kananga, 1988).A leader that i sn't willing to step outside his/her comfort zone is losing out on the most important aspect of leading. They need to be willing to push the envelope in every direction. Sometimes, leaders need to break new ground that no one has done before and so there are always risks involved. Leaders who are unwilling to take risks will become stagnant with no ability to innovate or change. Environmental sensitivity Able to make realistic assessments of the environmental constraints and resources added to bring about change (Conger & Kananga, 1988). Realistic about the constraints imposed upon them.They know what they can and cannot do. This sensitivity to both social economic, cultural and political environment enables them to quickly identify and recognize the barriers, hindrances, and opportunities that affect the organization or people (Conger & Kananga, 1992). Leadership that is highly sensitive to the environment is quite entrepreneurial because it readily recognizes and exploits new oppo rtunities in the environment such as social and physical conditions that may facilitate the achievement of organizational objectives (Conger Kananga, 1992).Sensitivity to follower needs Perceptive of other's abilities and responsive to their needs and feelings (Conger & Kananga, 1988). Charismatic leaders are sensitive to member output which is a result of motivation. Motivation results from satisfying member needs and it is as a measure of the extent of a leader's influence (House, 1995). These outcomes will result in Job satisfaction and reduce dissatisfaction include high Job output and organizational performance. Examples of this attribute include being open and receptive to complaints and new ideas, sensitivity to personal and develop follower's rationality and improve their welfare.Unconventional behavior Engages in behaviors that are perceived as novel and counter to norms (Conger & Kananga, 1988). Their ways, when successful, elicit admiration. An example would be everything into a game where having fun is on top of his agenda. So he enjoys mixing work with pleasure and has successfully created an easy-going and fun-loving culture at Virgin. 4. Application of the theory to Steve Jobs Steven Paul â€Å"Steve† Jobs was an American entrepreneur, marketer, and inventor, who was the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc.He was widely recognized as a harmonistic leader and a pioneer of the personal computer revolution and for his influential career in the computer and consumer electronics fields, transforming one industry after another, from computers and smoothness to music and movies. â€Å"There's something going on here, something that is changing the world. And this is the epicenter. † Said Steve Jobs during his initial Apple Computers start-up. A ‘visionary' is how he is most often described. He is considered by many to be the number one visionary of Silicon Valley. One of his visions is to make Paxar Animation as successful as Disney studios.His earlier visions for Apple Computer may have changed personal computing. Jobs was among the first to see the commercial potential of Xerox Para's mouse-driven graphical user interface, which led to the creation of Macintosh. He also played a role in introducing the Illustrates, one of the first widely available laser printers, to the market. He is not only able to dream big visions, but also can articulate it. â€Å"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower†, said Jobs. The very nature of innovation requires a departure from the status quo and deviation from the norm.The best leaders are risk takers who understand that fact and the tenacity to lead an organization to that future state despite organizational inertia and resistance. It is because his willing to take on risk, Jobs has transformed seven industries and belongs in the pantheon of America's great innovators, along with Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Walt Disney In 1985, Jobs got fir ed from Apple. During this time, Jobs were still looking for opportunities and took on new challenges. He bought Paxar, transforming it from a tiny animation house to an industry leader. He also started up computing firm NeXT which was later bought by Apple.Jobs is a charismatic leader who is able to make realistic assessments of the environmental constraints and resources needed to bring about change. â€Å"So when a good idea comes, part of my Job is to move it around, Just see what different people think, get people talking about it, argue with people about it, get ideas moving among that group of 100 people, get different people together to explore different aspects of it quietly, and?Just explore things†. Jobs enjoys working with people who are competent, smart, and â€Å"loved† Apple. He also exchanged ideas with them, and had inspired many of them.Steve Jobs is a good leader who is sensitive to his follower's needs. The Company's success, high employee retention and consistent recognition as one of â€Å"best places to work† are proof of this. Steve Jobs was an unconventional leader. He wasn't known for his consultative approach. He demanded excellence from his staff and was known for his impatience, tough with work with only the best. Despite all these, Steve Jobs still remained popular among his co-workers. And during his battle against his final illness, Jobs was surrounded by an intensely loyal cadre of colleagues. Steve Jobs is a charismatic business leader.His personal traits are characteristics of charismatic leaders: he is a man of vision and a risk taker to achieve that vision. He is sensitivity to follower needs, perceptive of others' abilities and responsive to their needs and feelings and has demonstrated unconventional behavior, engages in behaviors that are perceived as novel and counter to norms. 5. Conclusion This essay explains enough information about the charismatic leadership. There are some questions about the c harismatic leadership which have still remained unanswered. After describing the attributes of the charismatic leader and identifyingSteve Jobs as one example, it remains unknown that what makes a charismatic leader a â€Å"hero† and what makes him a â€Å"villain†. Are there any specific attributes that make charismatic leader as a â€Å"hero† or a Milan†? The second question is regarding the â€Å"making of charismatic leaders†. After establishing that the charismatic leaders have certain characteristics, it remains to see that if everyone having those attributes can become a successful leader. And this question gives rise to yet another question that whether a charismatic leader can be â€Å"made†. Is it possible to â€Å"create† charismatic leaders by formal education?

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Public School Education and Globalization Annotated Bibliography

Public School Education and Globalization - Annotated Bibliography Example ASI. (2003). Democracy and Education. Washington D.C: Albert Shanker Instutute. According to the author, a majority of schools leaders have in recent past shown concern that in the communities, many educators, those in business leadership and a number of parents of students are getting concerned that many high school graduates are increasingly falling below the par as far as responding to the needs of employers in the job market is concerned. Moreover, governmental schooling reforms are today largely fashioned towards gratifying the needs of the marketplace. Dewey, J. (2009). Democracy and Education. Berlin: GRIN Verlag. Many graduates are not so clearly succeeding between the classroom lessons and the careers they need to pursue as an interest area in their careers. In this regard many schools across the United States are now training teachers and principals to be more concerned in counseling and teaching students to a more career oriented approach.. This entails dedicating themselves to introducing avenues and opportunities that respond to contextual learning and seeking to ensure that appropriate ways that ensure that things change are adopted. Dicken, P. (2007). Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy. London: Sage Publications. According to P. Dickens, education meets two basic levels: equality and then the social issues and skills demanded by employers. Accordingly, the concept of democratic level-headedness suggests the call for a system of education that facilitates socio-economic progress and the appreciation of a culture of economic relevance, who can then meaningfully take part in communities and groups aligned on democratic ideals in an impartially and objectively informed approach. Arguably is the fact that National Governments across the world continue to hub on equality in the accessibility to education and other social institutions that promote sustainable development. Noteworthy also is the fact that the central goal and purpose accruing from the foregoing discussion would be accordingly, the creation of fruitful citizens/ graduates, and not necessarily resourceful personnel. Indeed, the aim is for the citizens to be able to maximize personal accomplishment, that is to say governments are now mo re focused in development of education curriculum that is more focused on promoting ‘socially and economically cohesive democratic communities’ that respond to the globally defined economic demands. Fazal et al (2005). Globalization and Recent Shifts in Educational Policy in the Asia Pacific. New Delhi: UNESCO. Fazal et al note that, educational policies have been affected. The authors imagine that various governments and their agencies, under the conditions of globalization, have been changing a number of things. This include, not only the rationale for education but also getting actively involved in reconstructing the syllabi and approaches of teaching by also being cognizant of factors such as technology having been laid by use of the internet and other technological advancement associated with the world today. Largely, all this take into account the ever-changing aspects of international trade. Hudis, P (2001). Making Education Career Focused. Berkeley. US Departmen t of Education. This article talks about career oriented approach in education. It is common knowledge that many leaders in the education in the United States and elsewhere in the world are of the opinion that it is important to review school curriculum with a view to prepare students for further education and successful careers, Even more importantly is

Sciavo Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sciavo - Case Study Example Later in the year 1990, Mrs. Shiavo was diagnosed with a â€Å"Persistent Vegetative State† (PVS). Her husband Mr. Schiavo accepted that her condition was very critical, and her recovery was remote since all healthcare means had failed to revive her. He decided to work on what he assumed his wife would wish. He said my wife would not have chosen to continue being kept on an artificial life-supporting machine. Mrs. Shiavo’s parents strongly opposed her husband’s stand and subsequently one of the most popular ethical dilemmas unfolded (Perry,Churchill and Kirshner, 2005). This case spurred controversy in the legal, medical, ethical, political and social domains. The case threatened to loosen the long-standing legal and ethical positions, which enabled individuals to control medical interventions executed on them. After so many petitions, hearings and numerous appeals, the Florida Supreme Court sanctioned the feeding tube to be removed on 31 of March 2005 in spite of opposition from President George Bush and the Congress but she died on 31 of March 2005. Terri’s case resonated with other cases that obviously influenced the Supreme Court’s decision to have the feeding tube removed, which included, the case of â€Å"Karen Quinlan Ann in 1976,† â€Å"Paul Brophy in 1986,† and â€Å"Nancy Cruzan in 1990† in which the patients who didn’t have written advance directives. In all these cases, the courts viewed the freedom and privacy interest of the patients as supreme and thus, the judge argued that she would not hav e wished to continue living under life-prolonging measures all her life hence sanctioned the that the feeding tube be remove from her (Perry, Churchill and Kirshner, 2005) A number of legal considerations were put into perspective in the determination of this case. Firstly, she had not made any healthcare directive other than private conversations with her

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Critically Consider the Importance of Public International Law to Essay

Critically Consider the Importance of Public International Law to International Business - Essay Example The universal international laws are those laws which govern the relations of one State with all the States in international arena however; particular international law may only be governing the relationships and conducts of one State with another State. (Bederman, 2002) At a larger scale, public international law governs the relationships of the States with each other and plays critical role in authoring treaties and formal agreements between the States. However, if States agree with each other, the overall scope of the law can also be extended to the individual persons and organizations. What is however, critical to note that in public international law, the political and legal elements are closely intertwined with each other hence the overall implications of the public international law can be significant for the nations. (Aust, 2010) The most important issue which has remained the cause of debate is whether States should only be the subjects of international law or should other s ubjects be also brought under its ambit. Public International law and International Business The debate on increasing the scope of international law beyond States therefore outlines that the international business firms, intergovernmental organizations and other relevant bodies should also be brought under the scope. It is because of this reason that Public international law is now applicable on the individuals, relationships as well as transactions which take place across the borders. International law not only governs the use of common resources of the world but also provides framework for managing the transnational problems faced by the international business firms. (Shaw, 2003) The advent of globalization as well as the spread of the communication technologies also necessitated the... This essay approves that public international law governs the domain of States and their relationship with each other however, over the period of time, its scope and application has increased. The subjects of international law are not now just limited to States and how their relationships are governed however; international organizations are also increasingly coming under the ambit of this law and are greatly affected by the international law. This paper makes a conclusion that one of the key elements of international law is that it governs the bilateral agreements between the States. Bilateral agreements however, also provide required level of protection to the international firms in terms of getting protection of their investment. Foreign direct investment is one of the ways through which international firms make entry into the international markets. However, without bilateral agreements between the States, it may be difficult for international firms to take advantage of such opportunities. International law also can provide a very safe conduit to the international firms for settling their disputes with their host countries. Dispute settlement as well as the settlement of the international financing can be effectively done with the help of international law. Another important significance of international law for the international firms protection provided to their intellectual property. International law can also provid e support to the international firms in dealing with issues like child labor, unfair labor practices as well as human rights issues.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Characteristics of unplanned economies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Characteristics of unplanned economies - Essay Example Market/unplanned economy and command/planned economies occupy the two polar extremes in the economic activity organization. The main difference is found in mechanisms used to determine prices and labor division or production factors. The market economy activity is unplanned, that is, it has no organization from the central authority and gets determined by the goods’ demand and the supply services. On the contrary, the command economy gets organized by the officials of the government who also direct and win the production factors (Meade, 2013). Currently, all modern economies are mostly pragmatic economies. The economies reject the thought function of representing, describing or mirrorring reality, but instead, they consider it as an instrument, action for problem solving. The two views of confrontation of the modern capitalism; state and neoliberal capitalism, will identify the economy of the social market that creates a new future pragmatism. Therefore, pragmatism is an indispensable and fundamental way of a rational economic management (Daniels & VanHoose,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The analysis of social and environmental sustainability against Essay

The analysis of social and environmental sustainability against financial sustainability - Essay Example This paper is focused on how the social and environmental sustainability differ from the financial sustainability and its impact on the way a company operates. It covers the challenges faced by the corporate firms to resolve the differences and the future implications of the reconciliation. The paper covers the details of the topic of discussion with real life example of corporate firms and it also discusses the theoretical framework in which the models of sustainability are based on. The social and environmental sustainability is to ensure that the society and its environment are not being affected by the business operations of the organizations. In order to achieve social and environmental sustainability, the company needs to make sure that all of its operations are following the required environmental standards and are adding value for the society. According to the reports of Colantonio (2009), there should be equal priority given to the social, environmental and economic sustainability. It has been mentioned that the social sustainability is one of the emerging issues of the contemporary business environment. With the increase in competitiveness in the business market along with the rise in population and decreasing natural resources, it has become imperative for the organizations to deal with certain sociological issues. Widok (2009) have mentioned that apart from the social and environmental sustainability challenges faced by the firms, they also face chall enges on the grounds of reporting on sustainability. It has been mentioned in his studies that reporting on sustainability activities has always been superficial in nature. Even though several organizations report that they conform to the standardized norms of the globally accepted sustainability practices, but the lack of detailed reporting has made them more lenient in its implementation. Moreover,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Aeschylus and the Oresteia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Aeschylus and the Oresteia - Essay Example In order to clearly depict this play writer divided it into three elements including the society, courts and the norms of the society. In the play the characters insist on the need to suffer in order to obtain truth and justice in the society. This play depicts a society that has been living on misery for a long period of time especially during the Trojan War that brought with it a murderous house of Atreus1. The play depicts the continued violence that has been experienced in the country and at the end of it is women and children that are harmed. This is attributed to the fact that being a society that is driven mostly by the norms of the society, women are forced to be submissive in all aspects and events that happen in the society. They are left homeless, without food and psychologically tortured by the aftermath of the war. For instance in the play, Agamemnon had to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia some ten years ago in order to advance his political interests. This depicts a soc iety that views the female gender as a lesser being and one that has to suffer in order for the male gender to prosper. Orestes also killed his own mother in order to revenge against the killing of Iphigenia. The play therefore questions the intentions of the two characters when they decide to murder their close relatives in order to fulfill their personal interest This is a society that is strongly tied together by the belief in the different gods they have and do not have to go against what they say as it is valued as the absolute truth. For instance the two characters who murder their closer relatives attribute this to the requirements of their gods an issue that could not have been accepted by the legal setting of a country. Several symbols and metaphors are used in the play to depict the varying characters of both the society and the individuals in it. There is the use of the solar and lunar cycles, day and night and the storms. People who are not human in the society have been animated and are referred to as beasts in the play. Blood crimes are on the increase in the play an indication of how the society values the idea of shading blood as a form of sacrifice to their gods2. The sad part of the play is that those that are mostly killed are the women and children an indication of a society that suffers from a poor sexual orientation. There is a belief that blood has to be paid back with blood an indication of sacrifice and this makes them never to reach a decision between what is wrong and right. This resulted in a conflict between the new and old gods since with civilization people started to adopt a new form of religion in which they would worship only one supreme God. This is because primitive laws always demanded blood vengeance as a form of punishment yet this was not the case with the form of justice which insisted on the rule of law. This created a conflict of interests between the traditionalists and modernists and there was an increase in rates o f murder and those that were mostly murdered were the modernists who adopted law as a form of justice. The play is therefore a product of the classical Greece in the sense that the writer went ahead to come up with the use of two characters in a play as opposed to the initial use of one character. This brought with it a richer interplay between the speech and action. Initially most of the plays had a main theme as one of tragedy but with time he began to shift his interests by writing on political standings and how they had an effect on the state. This was best depicted through the Oresteia play that combined a transition from a society that believed in bloodshed to one

Friday, August 23, 2019

Sensory Integration Assessment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sensory Integration Assessment - Term Paper Example The visual motor abilities of the child were measured from three experiments namely, Visual Perception, Motor coordination, and Beery-VMI. The skill of acquiring and reading visual stimuli perceived from the surroundings is known as visual perception. Visual perception skills considered are visual discernment, remembrances, position in the space, structural permanence, object field, and visual closure. In a given trial, the skill of synchronizing actions of different body organs in the space is called Motor coordination. This child shows deficiency in incorporating visual perception and/or motor coordination abilities as obvious from the VMI values. This child demonstrated difficulties with regard to visual motor assimilation as indicated by the three experiments. The percentile score of this child was 75%, 25% and 16% for Visual perception, Motor Coordination and VMI respectively when compared with that of the children of the same age which was 100% on the average. This child scored only 16% for VMI which is very low. The major difficulty for this child is the deficiency in VMI which in turn will affect the handwriting and other jobs which involve the coordination of hands and eyes. This child will require extra time for the completion of homework to compensate the said deficiency. This child shows visual perception and /or motor coordination abilities but still require practice to assimilate the two areas. If not, it may show visual and /or motor deficiency. Short Sensory Profile: The Short Sensory Profile Test determines the â€Å"sensory modulation disorders† (Bundy, Lane, & Murray, 2002, p. 8). Sensory processing is the major field which is usually used for evaluation because it represents the core concept compared to just modulations. The deficiency in sensory modulations is assessed from the responses of the object to a sensory stimulus demonstrating deviations from normal. The Short Sensory Profile Test results are as under: Raw Typical Probable Definite Sensory Processing System Score Performance Difference Difference Tactile Sensitivity 22/35 X Taste/Smell Sensitivity 4/20 X Movement Sensitivity 11 /15 X Underresponsive/Seeks Sensation 17/35 X Auditory Filtering 18/30 X Low Energy/Weak 12/30 X Visual/Auditory Sensitivity 12/25 X Total 96/190 X Thus the Short Sensory Profile Test demonstrated a definite difference in all the response categories investigated except â€Å"movement sensitivity† response where it demonstrated a probable difference. Tactile System: The tactile system discerns the outside stimuli with the help of receptors present in the skin. It discriminates different tactile stimuli. The effect of light touch is fast, diffused and dispersing and warns the nervous system of expected danger. Pressure touch slows down the nervous system. Its sensation is localized and discerns different shapes, textures, and sizes just from touch stimuli. The learning process is also enhanced by the tactile system. Any de ficiency in this system will result in learning problems. The clinical observations indicate that this child is deficient in tactile system. He may not detect stimuli or may show indifference to stimuli or give a

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Crips Essay Example for Free

Crips Essay Not only in the past but in today society the term gang is a hard word to define, because No two gangs are alike (Mays Winfree, 2006, 313) The National Institute of Justice report adopted the the definition of street gangs as groups of youths and young adults who have engaged in a sufficient amount of antisocial activity to warrant attention by the criminal justice system. owever to add on to that definition, the law enforcement uses the definition an ongoing, organized association of three or more persons, whether formal or informal, who have a common name or common signs, colors, or symbols, and members or associates who individually or collectively engage in or have engaged in criminal activity. However when talking about gangs you need to be specific in which gang you are talking about because there are over hundreds around the world. With that being said this paper will be giving information about the gang Crip. To give more insight on the Crip gang, you should know that they consist primarily of African-American males, and according to the NDIC there are approximately 35,000 members throughout the United States. But in 1970 the gang was established in Los Angeles, California by two men Raymond Lee Washington, and Stanley Tookie Williams, before they were expanding around the United States. Unlike normal people who work the gang gets its income by doing illegal crimes. The Crip gang members are represented by the color blue, there style, and some of the symbols they make with there hands. When many gang member get caught they all go through different procedures through the juvenile system because not all crimes are regulated on the same actions. Even though there are many minorities that make up the Crip gang such as Hispanics, Caucasians, Asians, African Americans, and others the group is primarily made up with African Americans. With all of the minorities coming together and joining along in the gang there are approximately 35,000 members through out the United States. With those numbers being so high, it is also said to be that there are around 400 different Crip sets throughout the United States,(P. O. I. G) and when I say different Crip sets I am talking about how they like to be referred to by their geographical names such as the Inglewood Crips or the Hoover Crips, and further by their set names such as the GrapeStreet Watts Crips or the Rolling 60s Crips. When they call themselves by there geographical name it does not mean that they are not in the crip gang that makes up the United states it is basicly just saying that is where they come from and how the group likes to be recognized as. Just like how many other things start, the gang was made up of individuals. Founder Raymond Lee Washington who was fifteen at the time and Co-founder Stanley Tookie Williams. Stanley Williams joined because he was not old enough to join in the Panther movement in the 60’s so he decided he wanted to take what he had learned, regarding control of neighborhoods, and start his own. That is just what the young boy did to. Both boys were from the Los Angeles, California area. Eventually gathering more people to join and the list started to add up of members day by day. Many members did not go by there first name and they all had nicknames or also known as street names. The main reason to start the group was to protect their neighborhood and act like community leaders. Many people got the same idea and started to have a copycat affect and decided to call themselves the crips too. However on a real note you could tell they were copycats because they would fashion themselves by regional cultural indicators that have nothing to do with Los Angeles. (Crip Gang. Internet 4) Like mentioned previous in this essay we talked about Geographical names, some of the following below: East Side Crips, Compton Crips, West Side Crips, Avalon Garden Crips, 43rd Street Crips, Harlem Crips, Hoover Crips, Inglewood Crips, and Grandee Crips should be added to the list. (Crip Gang. Internet 4) Both men Washington, and Williams passed away and the gangs kept rising and becoming bigger. The men both passed away from different incidents, Washington passed away on August 9, 1979 by a former gang member because of a verbal dispute. Williams on the other hand did not pass away until the later years of 2005 when he was fifty one years old. Before he passed away he was currently on death row at San Quentin for murder. Well like unlike many normal people who worked for there money legally, the gang did it in an illegal manner hoping to make it day by day risking there lives and familys lives. Although there family members might not of been in he gang they would be the first people targeted at when that family member in the gang messed up. Gang members are known to do anything from uncountable murders, assaults, the gang is involved in drug trafficking, racketeering, extortion, murder, prostitution and robbery,(P. O. I. G) drive-by shootings, graffiti, and violent takeover bank robberies. Most of the gang’s murders involve disputes over territory and drugs. One they have done all of the above and havent gotten caught they continue to do it and risk there lives and others. However after selling drugs, and participating in the other illegal acts the money adds up where they then can afford to purchase expensive cars, watches, and clothes Like any other type of gang or club there is always a symbol that the group goes by, and in this situation there are a select few important ones that should be talked about. There is anything from the color clothes, hand signals, and how they dance. The color that crips like to go by are shades of blues. However the Grape Street Crips in Watts and New Jersey wear the color purple. There style of clothes is just like any other young adult would wear jeans, t-shirt, sweat shirts, sneakers, polo and a hat. However many of them wear a blue rag or handkerchief as an identity item. Another type of symbol the gang likes to go by are the hand signals that they throw up at others or even each other. Some symbols they like to go by are making the letter C(P.  O. I. G) with there hands, this means Crip up, and Crippin. (P. O. I. G. ) Not only do they make the letter C but they are also aware of making the letters BK which stand for their status as blood killers. They talk about blood killers because the gang blood is one of there biggest rivals. They are also known for the symbols they make in graffiti the gang is also known to replace the letter â€Å"B† with the letter â€Å"C† in writings, and go by the six pointed star which represents Life, Loyalty, Love, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding. The thing that gets me most about this is how they may be loyal to there gang but what about others? They are out there killing and breaking the law for no reason they dont know what any of the things they preach mean! Above it stated that they talk about blood killers because the gang blood is one of there biggest rivals. Just like the Crip gang the Blood gangs have symbols and identifiers that they go by so you know whos gang they belong to. Unlike the crips that wear blue and use the C in hang gestures the bloods like to wear red, usually a bright color. Not only to they wear read but they make a hand gesture. One of there most common gestures in spelling out the word blood with there fingers. When crips and bloods get together they will fight and fight untill one finally wins. In todays society all cases are looked upon differently, which basicly gets down to how each case gets ran through the juvenile justice system. Many people think that children can not be charged as adults through the system, however Today, all states allow juveniles to be tried as adults in criminal courts in one of four ways. (Siegel, 2001, 466) The four ways that a youth can be tried as an adult would be through direct file wavier, excluded offense wavier, judicial wavier, and reverse waiver. A direct file wavier, is were the prosecutor has the discretion of filling charges for certain legislatively designated offenses in either juvenile or criminal court. About 15 states have this provision. (Siegel, 2001, 466) The excluded offense waiver, states laws exclude from juvenile court jurisdiction certain offenses that are either very monor, such as traffic or fishing violations, or very serious, such a murder. About 29 states now have sch laws for certain crimes. (Siegel, 2001, 466) Believe it or not but after doing some more research I stumbled upon some shocking news about juveniles. Which was a quote that I found stating that After all, juveniles commit almost 9 percent of all the murders in the United States and about 15 percent of all rapes(Siegel, 2001, 451) Last but not least the judicial wavier comes into play after a formal hearing at which both prosecutor and defense attorney present evident, a juvenile court judge may decide to waive jurisdiction and transfer the case to criminal court. This procedure is also known as binding over or certifying juvenile cases to criminal court. (Siegel, 2001, 467) Then lastly there is the reverse wavier, which states laws mandate that certain offenses be tried in adult court. Once the case is heard in the adult court, the trial judge may decide that the offender would be better served by the juvenile court and order a reverse waiver. About 25 states have this provision for certain circumstances. (Siegel, 2001, 467) With that being said you know how juveniles can be tried through the adult system, but did you know that The problem of youths processed in adult courts is a serious one. About 8,000juvenile delinquency cases are now being transferred to the adult courts each year. Supporters view the waiver process as a sound method of getting the most serious juveniles offenders off the street. (Siegel, 2001, 467) Even though trieing youths as adults is now aloud many people think that it does more harm then it does good. If you think about it they are right, because now juveniles will be in cells with adults were they can be targets of the adult predators. Youths held in adults prisons and jails are five times likely to be victims of attempted sexual attacks or rapes that those held in juvenile institutions. (Siegel, 2001, 467) Also not only will they be victims of attacks but it also states that The suicide rate for juveniles in adult prisons and jails is nearly eight times higher than that for juveniles in youth detention centers. (Siegel, 2001, 467) Just like any other crime probation can always be a type of punishment to depending on how serious the crime was. Probation is a sentence entailing the conditional release of a convicted offender into the community under the supervision of the court (in the person of a probation officer),subject to certain conditions for a specified time. The conditions are usually similar to those of parole. (Siegel, 2001, 336) Probation however can be revoked just as quick as the person was put on it. If you brake the probation rules, or commit another crime you will be put back into a prison in most instances. In todays society there are approximately four million people on probation. However if there was not probation facilities would be even more overcrowded then they already are. If none of the above programs work they can be charged as a Juvenile delinquent as well. It basicly would all be based on what the crime did and how big of a crime it was. Each judge is going to have a different outlook on the situation. Not only will they have a different outlook on the situation but another thing that plays a major factor is weather or not you have been caught before for doing a crime. If you were caught before for oing a crime, or something else that was illegal that could affect the way you are charged through the system. Below I would like to talk about some of the reasons people join gangs and some of the things that people need to do in order to be accepted into the gang. Some kids join gangs because they need to feel acceptance, excitement, to earn money, peer pressure, protection, to socialize and etc. (S. A. P. D) If kids have nothing better to do or dont feel like they mean anything at home they are going to find mischief to get into because one way or another someone will notice them. Many minority groups have this problem because there family members have a tough time trying to live so they work alot and try to make money to support there familys. In situations like that though it pushes the child away because there is never anyone around. Then they go seek and find other kids with the same problem and they become a family. Its not as simple as it sounds to get into a gang. Not every gang is the same but some of the ways you can enter into a gang is by being rolled in also known as jumped in, quoted, lined in, then there are ways like being courted in, walked in, sexed in, and commit crimes. Being rolled in means usually consists of the recruit having to fight 3 or more members of the gang for a specified amount of time. The time limit is different from gang to gang, but usually last somewhere between 15 seconds and 1 minute. The reason for the beating is to see how tough the recruit is and if he is a fighter. (S. A. P. D. ) Courted in is were, sometimes and individual is asked to join a gang without going through any initiation. (S. A. P. D) If you are offered a spot in a gang like this that usually mean that you have something the gang wants rather it be talent, or special connections. Being walked in means that you can just join it is very similar to being courted in. Sexed in is as bad as it sounds, being sexed in means female recruits are required to roll 2 dice. Whatever number is thrown is the number of gang members the recruit has to have sex with. Lastly committing crimes is pretty self explanatory and means that you have to commit special crimes in order for them to see what you can do and if you are talented enough to do it without getting caught.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Music Concert Report Essay Example for Free

Music Concert Report Essay The highly respected jazz trio made up of pianist Bill Charlap, bassist Kenny Washington and drummer Peter Washington played for about an hour an a half. Their smooth melodies and precise playing worked perfectly together to give a great performance against the New York City skyline at Dizzys Club Coca-Cola. The trio opened up the show with a song called â€Å"Ill Remember April†. The song was originally written in 1941 by Gene de Paul (Wilson, McElrath, Tyle). â€Å"Ill Remember April† first performance was in a very atypical setting. The song was not performed in a Broadway play or Jazz Club but rather the 1942 comedy Called Ride Em Cowboy. Actor Dick Foran sang the song in what a critic at the time called, â€Å"I’ll Remember April’ was an oasis of sanity in the madness† (Wilson, McElrath, Tyle). Although an odd start the movie Ride Em Cowboy proved to be significant in the Jazz community for another reason as well. In the movie the famous jazz vocalist Ella Fitzgerald appeared in her first film role playing an employee at the dude ranch named Ruby (Ill Remember April (1941)). â€Å" She projected a light, frothy, easy-going humor† in her performance of â€Å"A-Tisket, A-Tasket† (Ill Remember April (1941)). This movie brought out just how significant jazz music was at the time because it made a mediocre film come to life. This was not Gene De Pauls first time creating a brilliant jazz song. The pianist, composer and arranger had written many songs before for Hollywood films and Broadway shows such as â€Å"You Dont Know What Love is† and â€Å"Star Eyes† (Ill Remember April (1941)). He had worked with many lyricists before but on this particular song Gene de Paul worked with his friend Don Raye and Patricia Johnston (Ill Remember April (1941)). The lyrics portrays two distant lovers remembering the past and have a close connection with Dorothy Fields â€Å"The Way You Look Tonight† (Ill Remember April (1941)). The song entered the pop charts in the spring of 1942 after being recorded by Woody Herman and his Orchestra. The song did not catch on quickly because it differed in many ways from the typical pop song of the time. The melody and form separated â€Å"Ill Remember April† the most from other music of the time. Songs of the time usually followed an A-A-B-A form, repeating a lot giving it a catchy tune. â€Å"Ill Remember April† however, used a 48-bar A-B-C-D-A-B form making it seem long and dragged out compared to other popular jazz songs. Wilson, McElrath, Tyle) â€Å" Beboppers Charlie Parker and Bud Powell were among the first to explore the song’s unconventional structure, followed by an influential 1950 recording by Red Norvos trio with Tal Farlow and Charles Mingus† (Ill Remember April (1941)). The actually musicality of the song is quite complex with many chord changes and key changes. The song starts off in G but has a â€Å"false key change to Bb major during the first eight measures of the bridge† (Wilson, McElrath, Tyle). The tone of the song is major it moves rather step wise throughout. The chord progression of the song is a twist and turn roller coaster taking you from a G to a E major back to the G then to a D7. This is important because it allows for many different substitutions of chords and improvisations. (Wilson, McElrath, Tyle) One of the most important and defining elements in Jazz is improvisation. It is expected that during any jazz performance one or more musicians will improvise. Improvisation is so common that most of the time a musician will not perform the same piece the same way twice. However the freedom given to jazz musicians does come with some boundaries. â€Å"Ill Remember April† gives much leeway to improvisation as long as they are â€Å"chosen carefully so as to at least imply a logical harmonic progression† (Wilson, McElrath, Tyle). Typical jazz instruments are the saxophone, clarinet, flute, vibraphone, trumpet, piano, guitar, banjo, tuba, double bass, bass guitar, vocals, trombone and drum kit. The size of the band can vary greatly in jazz however from an ensembles which can have as little as two people to big bands that can have as many as 30 people. The Jazz show that I saw was a trio including a pianist, bassist and drummer. The setting in which I saw â€Å"ll Remember April† performed is much different then the setting I would have seen it in 1942. I saw the song be performed in a rather fancy evening setting at a Jazz Club where there was dinners and drinks being served. The club was modern and well designed. The backdrop behind the performers was a large window outlooking part of the New York City skyline. Around 75 people went to the club to watch a well respected trio play their rendition of â€Å"Ill Remember April†, as well as several other songs. In 1942 I would not have been able to go to a club one night and be served dinner as I listened to a band play the song. At first the only way to hear the song was in the movies it was featured in. The song was featured in the 1942 film Ride em Cowboy as I had mentioned earlier, it was also in the 1942 movie Strictly in the Groove and was again featured in the 1945 movie Eve Knew Her Apples. It is not until later that I would have been able to sit down at a jazz club or concert hall to see the piece be performed. Anita Boyer recording of â€Å"Ill Remember April† appeared on the album The nat King Cole Trio: The MacGregor Years 1941-1945 disc 4 (Wilson, McElrath, Tyle). Since then â€Å"Ill Remember April† has been recorded hundreds of times by various artists throughout the years. â€Å"The song’s unconventional characteristics became assets, and it found favor as a bop vehicle† (Wilson, McElrath, Tyle). Each performance of â€Å"Ill Remember April† takes on its own identity according to the performer. Artists have put their own twists on the song sometimes even implying a â€Å"Latin-feel† or they have stuck close to the original. The aspect of flexibility while maintaining the same brilliant theme makes â€Å"Ill Remember April† so exciting making artists recreate the classic for years. Before going to the concert I listened to â€Å"Ill Remember April† performed by Charlie Parker. Charlie Parker was an extremely influential jazz saxophonist. He recorded â€Å"Ill Remember April† on July 5, 1950. While having the same melody Charlie Parkers version of â€Å"Ill Remember April† and the Bill Charlap Trios version differed greatly. The biggest difference was the use of instruments. The Bill Charlap Trio did not include a saxophone. I had expected to hear a saxophone so at first it took a second for my ears to adjust when the Bill Charlap Trio began to play the song. I personally preferred the saxophone. I thought it gave the song a very demanding tone catching the audiences attention while at the same time it gave the song a very magically, flowing feeling. The saxophone was also backed up by other instruments like the piano which gave it a full rich sound. The piano, bass, and drums of the Bill Charlap Trio also gave a good performance however I felt it lacked a clear â€Å"lead† instrument how the saxophone did for Parkers rendition. One aspect I did like more in the Bill Charlap Trios version was the elongated piano solo. Solos are very important in jazz music and they occur often. Solos give artists the opportunity to improvisation keeping the piece fresh and giving it an element of surprise. Throughout the Bill Charlap Trios performance there were many solos. In â€Å"Ill Remember April† it was the pianos time to shine. I enjoyed the solo because it showed off Bill Charlaps talent and kept the piece exciting. An interesting aspect of his solo was he included a verse from Dorothy Fieldss â€Å"The Way You Look Tonight† which as I mentioned earlier gave inspiration to the writing of â€Å"Ill Remember April†. Overall I enjoyed listening the piece live better than the recording because it allowed the music to â€Å"come alive† rather than just listening to a recording. Going to the concert opened my eyes to what seems to be a whole new world. I was very anxious and nerve about what to expect when I went to the Jazz Club but when I got there I was pleasantly surprised. The music was entertaining and I loved the experience. Looking up the history of the songs continued to spark my interest. It is very interesting to see how music written seventy years ago is still influential and played in modern settings such as a Jazz Club.

Congestive Cardiac Failure: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

Congestive Cardiac Failure: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment James Rowe Assessment 2 Mr Wrights admission states that he has heart failure (Congestive Cardiac Failure). Clearly define heart failure. What organs and which body systems are affected by this disorder? CCF is a condition in which the heart doesn’t pump as it should and therefore has an impaired cardiac output. Causes include MI, ischaemic heart disease and cardiomyopathy. Mainly includes heart and lungs due to fluid back up from the left ventricle. However can cause problems throughout the body. (Harris and Nagy et al., 2009) Give a brief overview of the normal function of the body systems affected by this disorder. Digestive à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Aids in the absorption of nutrition. When a person suffers CCF an impaired blood supply is received by the digestive system meaning nutrition imbalance is possible. Also constipation. Circulatory à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   When someone suffers from CCF fluid back up in the ventricle can cause circulation problems. Also the fact that the heart is not pumping as effectively as it should means a poor circulatory system. Repertory à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Fluid back up in the lungs can cause respetory problems. Making it difficult to breath. Also the fluid in the lungs causes impaired gas exchange meaning poor oxygenation of the blood. Renal à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   The renal system is affected because the limited blood supply and poor blood pressure (Before vasoconstriction) mean that there is a poor urine output. This fluid that is normally eliminated from the body builds up as oedema in the limbs. (Hopkins and Cavaiuolo et al., 2008) Define signs and symptoms of heart failure and explain why these signs and symptoms occur. SOB (Dyspnoea) Fluid back up in lungs causing impaired gas exchange Persistent cough/Wheezing (Cough with white or pink sputum) – Due to fluid build up in lungs. Oedema (Back up of fluid) (Legs if right sided/Lung if Left sided) Tiredness/Fatigue (Blood diverted to core so weakness in peripheries caused) Lack of appetite/Nausea (Due to altered blood supply to liver and digestive system) Confusion/Impaired thinking (Lack of oxygenated blood being pumped effectively) Increased heart rate (Heart trying to compensate for low blood flow) Irregular heart beat (, 2014) Reduced ability to exercise (Due to dyspnoea) Increase need to urinate at night Swelling of the abdomen Hypertension (Blood vessel constrict to increase the BP to increase oxygenation around the body) Chest pain (If caused by heart attack) (, 2014) Orthopnoea (SOB when lying flat) Caused because the heart can’t cope with the excess blood returning to the heart Cardiomegaly – Increased size of the heart muscle due to the compensation of working harder List the information taken on his admission that demonstrates these signs and symptoms. A low SPO ² reading This is because of the decrease of oxygen in the blood. Possibly due to fluid back up in the lungs that is creating impaired gas exchange in the alveoli. Cyanotic – Due to the decrease in oxygen in the blood stream this would make Pt slightly cyanotic Slight confusion – Due to impaired gas exchange there could possibly be a build up of Carbon Dioxide in the blood that would lead to slight confusion in the Pt. Low BP – This could be due to the fact the blood vessels have not yet constricted to increase blood pressure (Blood pressure increase when CCF occurs to increase oxygenation around the body) High pulse The heart is trying to compensate for the low oxygen in the body and is also compensating for the fluid being left in the ventricles. This means it beats faster to try and increase the rate in which the blood travels around the body. Do you think his diabetes is related to his left ulcer and amputated left toe? Explain. The left ulcer may be due to poorly managed diabetes causing neuropathy. This is where the nerve is damaged. People with diabetes have a greatly increased risk of developing neuropathy in the lower extremities. Making the Pt unaware of any trauma or damage to the foot, also because the foot has very little sensation it is often neglected causing ulcers to occur due to the break down in the tissue. (, 2014) Diabetes affects blood supply to the extrematies of the body. This results in the lower portion of the body being deprived of oxygen. In some cases the circulation becomes so bad that the limbs become necrotic and need amputation. Often the first sign of a circulation problem is with the toes. This could be a contributing factor to why the Pt needed a toe amputation. (Netdoctor, 2014) Another possible reason as to why the Pt needed an amputation is because of the high level of uric acid in the blood. Due to the poor circulation the body often does not get blood through the kidneys before a high level of metabolic waste has built up in the blood. This means that high concentration levels of these metabolic waste build up in blood. One of the main metabolic waste is uric acid. This builds up in the blood and crystallises. This then travels to the lowest part of the body. Due to gravity. Often building up in the toes leaving it ischaemic. (, 2014) One of the medication he is taking is Lasix. What is the action of Lasix? Which body systems are affected by it? Explain why you think Mr Wright is ordered Lasix. (Your answer need only be brief) Lasix (Frusemide) is a drug that helps for fluid and electrolyte balance. The action of Lasix is that it inhibits reabsorption at the loop of Henle in the kidney. This is so that the body is not absorbing the fluid passing through the loop of Henle. The reason why Mr Wright would be ordered an anti-diuretic drug is to prevent his body from absorbing water and thus removing the risk that he will develop an oedema in his legs. (Mckenna, 2010) List three conditions in Mr Wrights medical history that are commonly associated with age. Glaucoma – This is an increased pressure in the optic that can limit blood flow. Therefore the reduced blood flow causes degeneration and vision loss. The pressure also effects the optic nerve so messages from the eye to the brain become impaired. The condition is rare in younger people, but is associated with aging. (Harris and Nagy et al., 2009) Arthritis – Arthritis is an umbrella term used to describe over 100 types of an illness. Arthritis affects the musclo-skeletal system at the point where two joints meet. Symptoms include pain, stiffness and in some cases inflammation. (, 2014) Constipated – This could be related to the CCF and the body keeping blood supply to the main organs and therefore being a decreased amount of blood going to the digestive tract causing constipation. Using Mr Wrights admission history and assessment, list the factors that may impact his safety whilst in hospital and when he returns home. Confusion Poor Mobility Loss of appetite Poor vision Condition of leg ulcer (On return home) What other health professionals will be involved in his care and what service can they provide for Mr Wright. OT à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Could asses Mr Wright in his mobility and offer him more support than his stick may offer. Such as a 4WW. Social Service à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Could asses Mr Wrights home to see if he needs any more home aids. Could also link Mr Wright into local community through community centres. Asthma Nurse à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Would be used to educate Mr Wright with his asthma condition. Could teach him possible early warning signs of asthma so he knows the early warning signs. Diabetic Nurse à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Education for his diabetes. Could teach Mr Wright ways of managing his diabetic state. Dietician à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Could come up with a diabetic diet plan for Mr Wright therefore reducing the amount of self medication Mr Wright has to do. Cardiologist à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Monitor condition of CCF. List the nursing documentation that you would expect to be used in the care of MR Wright. FBC (Fluid balance chart) à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   For the oedema R/T CCF OBS chart à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Monitor oxygen levels, pulse and resp rate R/T CCF Limb Obs à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Monitor blood flow to lower limbs below the point of trauma to check for blood supply. Medication chart à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   Monitor what medication Mr Wright is on R/T CCF and Diabetes. References 2014. What is arthritis. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 9 Apr 2014]. 2014. Diabetes and Amputation. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 9 Apr 2014]. Harris, P., Nagy, S. and Vardaxis, N. J. 2009. Mosbys dictionary of medicine, nursing and health professions. Chatswood, N.S.W.: Elsevier Australia. Hopkins, S., Cavaiuolo, J. and Gotting, M. 2008. Diploma of nursing. Adelaide, S. Aust.: DFEEST. 2014. Heart failure Symptoms Diseases and Conditions Mayo Clinic. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 8 Apr 2014]. Mckenna, L. 2010. Australia New Zealand nursing midwifery drug handbook. Broadway, N.S.W.: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Netdoctor. 2014. Amputation of the toe. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 9 Apr 2014]. 2014. DIABETIC FOOT PAIN. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 9 Apr 2014]. 2014. Diabetes and Gout . . . twins? Where you find one, you see the other?. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 9 Apr 2014]. 2014. Heart Failure Signs and Symptoms | Conditions Treatments | UCSF Medical Center. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 8 Apr 2014].

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Man For All Seasons - Friend or Foe :: A Man For All Seasons by Robert Bolt

Friend or Foe In the book, A Man For All Seasons by Robert Bolt there are a few people that can’t be trusted by Sir Thomas More, the main character in the book. Richard Rich is definitely one of those men who can’t be trusted and along with Thomas Cromwell the two destroy More’s life slowly but surely and to the point of death. In the end of the book More is executed for high treason and his family goes from being very well off to having to start over. So this book shows that through deceitfulness of two, one can fall. There are two main reasons that Rich would be considered a â€Å"Foe† and those are his weak moral character and his devalue of More’s friendship. These are reasons to make someone a â€Å"Foe† because if a person doesn’t hold true to their morals then they are easily persuaded and if a person had the friendship of More then they would be idiots not to keep that friendship and respect. In the following paragraphs I will give examples from the book of these reasons. One reason why Rich is a â€Å"Foe† is because his moral character isn’t very strong and throughout the book there are many times where it is shown that Rich doesn’t have a strong moral character, for example: Rich: But every man has his price? More: No-no-no- Rich: But yes! In money too. More: No no no Rich: Or pleasure. Titles, woman, bricks-and-mortar, there’s always something. More: Childish. In this quote (pg.4) it shows that Rich can be bought and he is trying to tell More that this is normal because everyone â€Å"has his price†. However, More, being the kind and charitable man he is, tries to explain that being able to be bought is not normal and it is a moral weakness in someone’s character and tries to help him get a job as a teacher where there is no temptation of bribery. Another example of how Rich’s moral character is weak is when he is talking to Cromwell and Cromwell tells him that he is to become Secretary to the Council, which he asks Rich not tell anyone about it. However when Cromwell repeats the question over and over, Rich, finally, says he would but it would depend on the bribe.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Ah, Woe Is Me :: essays research papers

Ah, Woe Is Me A) Summary of The Story: In the beginning of this short story we are introduced to Sarah, an aging black servant living in South Africa. She works hard for an upper-class white family and spends all of her money on education for her three children who are sent to a boarding school. They come home once a year at Christmas, and the first time the narrator meets the children, she is surprised at their well-mannered behaviour. She finds, however, that Sarah is a bit harsh towards them, and she comments on this. Sarah tells her that it is better to learn the lesson now and grow to accept one's fate later. In the course of the following year, Sarah must give up her job because of her legs, and one day her daughter comes to the house. Slowly she tells her story to the narrator. How the younger brother is working now, and how she is taking care of Sarah. The narrator offers her some clothes and some money and invites her inside for a cup of tea. When she is about to leave, she starts crying and can only mutter that her mother is very ill. Unsure of what to do, the narrator hands her a handkerchief. B) An Essay About the Text: The setting in this story is South Africa in the 1950's. Apartheid and segregation are words that describe the conditions under which the blacks (the native Africans) live perfectly. The blacks nearly have no rights and must accept being oppressed by the whites. Sarah is only one of many poor blacks who only just manages to earn a living by working as a servant for a rich white family (the narrator). Slavery does not exist anymore, but it can be difficult to distuingish the life of a slave from that of a native African in the 50's except from the fact that they do after all get paid for their work. Sarah is very concerned about her children getting a good education. She probably wants them to have a better life than she has had so far, and while that is a very noble thought, the facts speak against it. Her children do not at this time have a very good (if any) chance of getting a good solid education because it is very expensive, and their mother does not make that much money. Even if she did make enough money, her legs are bad, and at the end of the story, she has to give up her job (and thus take her children out of the boarding

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Constitution :: American America History

The Constitution A case for the connection of America's colonial and revolutionary religious and political experiences to the basic principles of the Constitution can be readily made. One point in favor of this conclusion is the fact that most Americans at that time had little beside their experiences on which to base their political ideas. This is due to the lack of advanced schooling among common Americans at that time. Other points also concur with the main idea and make the theory of the connection plausible. Much evidence to support this claim can be found in the wording of the Constitution itself. Even the Preamble has an important idea that arose from the Revolutionary period. The first line of the Preamble states, We the People of the United States... ." This implies that the new government that was being formed derived its sovereignty from the people, which would serve to prevent it from becoming corrupt and disinterested in the people, as the framers believed Britain's government had become. If the Bill of Rights is considered, more supporting ideas become evident. The First Amendment's guarantee of religious freedom could have been influenced by the colonial tradition of relative religious freedom. This tradition was clear even in the early colonies, like Plymouth, which was formed by Puritan dissenters from England seeking religious freedom. Roger Williams, the proprietor of Rhode Island, probably made an even larger contribution to this tradition by advocating and allowing comple te religious freedom. William Penn also contributed to this idea in Pennsylvania, where the Quakers were tolerant of other denominations. In addition to the tradition of religious tolerance in the colonies, there was a tradition of self-government and popular involvement in government. Nearly every colony had a government with elected representatives in a legislature, which usually made laws largely without interference from Parliament or the king. Jamestown, the earliest of the colonies, had an assembly, the House of Burgesses, which was elected by the property owners of the colony. Maryland developed a system of government much like Britain's, with a representative assembly, the House of Delegates, and the governor sharing power. The Puritan colony in Massachusetts originally had a government similar to a corporate board of directors with the first eight stockholders, called freemen" holding power. Later, the definition of freemen" grew to include all male citizens, and the people were given a strong voice in their own government.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Cover Letter. What is it? Essay

It is generally accepted practice to include a cover (or covering) letter, together with your resume and any other documentation that you forward to the employer as part of a job application. Your covering letter essentially provides an explanation of why you are communicating with the employer. Imagine a prospective employer’s confusion if they received your resume without a covering letter explaining why you have sent it to them, or what position you were applying for. A well written covering letter however can achieve much, much more in assisting you to gain employment. It represents a significant opportunity to create a positive impression with the employer, and to further market your skills and qualifications. Often your cover letter alone can influence an employer to include you in the next stage of the selection process, which is meeting you in an interview. When should I send a cover letter? What is the purpose of a cover letter? Write about benefits to the employer General guidelines for preparing a cover letter Suggested content for specific types of cover letters Job advertisement response – private enterprise position Job advertisement response – roles in government departments/organisations Speculative or cold call letters Writing to a recruitment agency Email cover letters Keep good records When should I send a cover letter? Always include a cover letter when sending your resume to: An employer, or a recruitment agency, in response to an advertised position. A recruitment agency seeking their assistance in finding employment. Prospective individual employers as part of a self-marketing exercise, or  when enquiring about employment opportunities in their organisation. Send a cover letter even if a job advertisement doesn’t specifically request that you do so. Remember, a cover letter provides another opportunity, in addition to your resume, to make a positive impression with prospective employers. Note: The only exception to this would be an employer’s on-line application process which does not enable or allow for a cover letter to be included. top^ What is the purpose of a cover letter? The cover letter is an obvious means of introducing yourself to a potential employer, or, to an employer’s agent if you are writing to a recruitment agency. Beyond this however, you should use a cover letter to: Explain clearly and concisely who you are, what job you are applying for, and why you applying. Summarise your key strengths, attributes, qualifications and motivations. Convey that you are professional, competent and enthusiastic about the employment opportunity through the language, content and overall layout of the letter. Tip: Never send a ‘generic’ cover letter to employers. As with your resume, it is essential that every cover letter you send to an employer is tailored to either the specific selection criteria appearing in the job advertisement, and/or to your specific purpose in writing to that employer. A final thought about the importance of your cover letter: The cover letter and the resume should both be stand alone documents and have sufficient impact on the employer to take your application to the next stage. Don’t assume that an employer will take the time to read both the cover letter and resume when deciding which applications to accept or reject. top^ Write about the benefits to the employer Your cover letter is a sales letter; you want the employer to â€Å"buy† what you have to offer. To encourage them to do this, it is essential that you explain how the employer will benefit if they offer you a position. For example, if you have well developed interpersonal communication skills and you know these skills are important to the employer, then say you have these skills in your letter. Then go one step further and point out a benefit, for instance: â€Å"I have highly developed interpersonal communication skills which means that I able to rapidly form effective working relationships with both co-workers and customers†. Avoid doing what inexperienced job candidates do which is usually to point out to an employer how a position with their organisation meets their career goals or other needs, such as: â€Å"This is my ideal position†, or â€Å"this role will give me the opportunity to get started/gain important experience in this field†. Employers will rarely be impressed by this; they much prefer to know about the contribution you can make, or the benefits you can bring to their organisation. top^ General guidelines for preparing a cover letter Following are some guidelines to assist you to write cover letters that make a positive impact on employers: Ideally keep the length of your letter to a single A4 page, and no more than a page and a half. Keep your message clear and succinct. Address your letter to a person, not a position. The job advertisement might say to address your  letter to the â€Å"The Human Resources Manager† or other job title. Contact the organisation to find out the name of the person to whom the letter should be addressed. In this way you can differentiate yourself from other candidates, and increase the chances that your application will get noticed. Ensure your name, address, phone number/s and email address are at the very top of the letter and aligned to the right hand margin. Also at the top of the letter, on the next line after the greeting â€Å"Dear Ms †¦Ã¢â‚¬ , quote any employer reference information and/or number appearing in the job advertisement. Set out your letter so that it is easy to read, and that essential information about you can be seen at a glance. The reader will probably spend no more than 30 seconds or so reading your letter before deciding if you qualify for further consideration. It is quite acceptable to use bold or underlined sub-headings in the main body of your letter with information relevant to the sub heading in dot point form. Make the tone of your letter lively by commencing bullet point sentences with action words such as ‘led’, ‘designed’, ‘planned and organised’, ‘implemented’ etc as appropriate. Close the letter with â€Å"Yours sincerely† if you know the person to whom you are writing, otherwise close with â€Å"Yours faithfully†. Sign the letter in your own hand writing, and type your name underneath the signature. Always proof read your letter. Spelling and grammar must be correct. Having a friend or colleague proof read your letter is also helpful. The next topic provides suggestions about the content of specific types of cover letters. top^ Suggested content for specific types of cover letter What you write about in your letter will depend on your purpose. Following are some additional, more specific guidelines for each of the most common situations where you should send a cover letter. These situations are: A position in private enterprise. Here you are responding to a job advertisement placed either by the employer, or a recruitment agency, where you are not required to also submit a separate document addressing the selection criteria. A role in a government department, local government and some not for profit organisations. This type of job application usually  requires you to prepare and submit, in addition to your resume and cover letter, a separate document which addresses the selection criteria contained in the person specification for the role. Writing a speculative letter (or cold call) to an employer enquiring about employment opportunities. Writing to introduce yourself to a recruitment agency and requesting them to assist you to find employment, rather than the situation where you are writing in response to a job advertisement. top^ Job advertisement response – private enterprises  Carefully analyse the job advertisement to determine the content of this type of letter. In your letter you should describe succinctly and clearly how you meet that criteria. Advertisements for graduate positions most often appear in the large display advertisements in the careers or professional section of the newspaper, not in the positions vacant section. A display advertisement will usually consist of three parts – a description of the employer organisation, an overview of the job role and then the selection criteria. The selection criteria part of an advertisement usually starts with a sentence like â€Å"The successful candidate will demonstrate/possess †¦Ã¢â‚¬  or â€Å"To be successful in this role you will †¦Ã¢â‚¬  The focus and main content of your letter should be about how you meet the selection criteria. This is because the decision to hire will be based on how well candidates meet the selection criteria. In your introductory paragraph: Refer to the position, including a reference number, if applicable, and where you saw it advertised. Say that you are interested in the role, and express confidence in your ability to perform the role to the standard required. Then write a sentence introducing the reader to the main body of the letter, for example, â€Å"Following is a summary of my qualifications and experience based on your selection criteria: †¦Ã¢â‚¬  In the main body of your letter: Use sub headings, either in bold font or underlined, for each of the selection criteria, and then detail under each heading the information in dot point summary form about how you meet the criteria. Indicate that you have enclosed your resume which contains further information about your skills and qualifications in relation to the position. The concluding paragraph: Indicate that you look forward to meeting the person to whom you are writing in the interview, at which time you will be able to further demonstrate your suitability for the role and outline the contribution you can make to the organisation. Avoid a weak closing sentence which states that you â€Å"hope to hear† from them à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" indicate in the tone of the letter that you are confident about your capabilities and that an interview is expected! Tip: Avoid doing what inexperienced job seekers tend to do, which is to write about their ability to carry out the described role, rather than attempting to match their skills and experience against the selection criteria. Job advertisement response – roles in government departments/ organisations The content of your cover letter for a position in a federal, state or local government organisation or department will be set out in a similar style to a letter which you might send for a role outside government. You will need to outline in the letter the position for which you are applying and why you believe you are the best candidate for the role. When applying for most government roles you will need to complete a separate, and usually quite extensive document which contains evidence about how you meet the selection criteria. Because you will need to restrict the length of your cover letter to a page or so, your major challenge will to condense and summarise in your letter, information that you will have already provided in this separate document. In the main body of the letter therefore, using the same sub heading and bullet point format as for a private enterprise position, select and write about how you meet 3 or 4 of the most important ‘essential’ selection criteria. Speculative or cold call letter This is an option for finding employment which is sometimes successful. The approach is to write to an employer, or employers, and recruitment agents who operate in your field of career interest, either to enquire about employment opportunities, or to offer your services. This type of letter is often called a speculative or cold call letter because you are not responding to an advertisement, and you may not know if the employer is looking to hire staff. Some suggested approaches for preparing this type of letter are: If you know the organisation recruits graduates for various types of employment, work experience or project work, explain the arrangement you are seeking. This could be for example to seek full time employment, undertake casual, contract or voluntary work, vacation employment, or as part of a university assignment or project which has application to the organisation or industry. If, as a result of your research into the organisation, you are aware that they have a need that you are able to help them meet, outline in the letter your understanding of their need. Then explain how, through your specific skills, knowledge or experience, you can assist. Outline your action plan in your closing paragraph. For example, explain that you will make a follow up phone call seeking an interview and give a time frame for when you will be doing this. Do not expect the employer to contact you. Address your letter to a person. Identify who appropriate person/s might be through research and through networking. You can then ask for this person by name when you make your follow up phone call. top^ Writing to a recruitment agency It is recommended that you include two or three recruitment agencies as part of your job search strategy, asking their assistance in finding you a job. You do not have to wait for an advertisement to appear before contacting a recruitment agency. Write to them as soon as you start your job search. Be sure to select recruitment agencies that specialise in the industry or occupations that you are targeting. Recruitment agencies often do not advertise all the positions they are attempting to fill for the employers who are their clients. Instead they will attempt to fill these positions from candidates whose details they already have on their data base. In order to get onto their data base you will probably need to write to them and include your resume. As with other employment applications you will need to explain in your letter the type of role you are seeking, and outline the skills, knowledge and experience you would bring to such a role. Your approach in the letter is to assist the agency to sell your services to an employer. Be aware that most recruitment agencies are pleased to work with candidates who are seeking employment under various conditions. This includes permanent, full time roles, full time, fixed term contracts, part time and casual work. You will need to indicate in your cover letter what your preferences are in this regard. Tip: It sometimes helps to be flexible about the basis on which you might be employed by an organisation. There are many examples of people commencing their career with an organisation on a contract basis, or even as a part time or casual employee who have subsequently been offered a full time, permanent position. top^ Email cover letters With the increasing use of employment advertising on the internet and  electronic job application processes it is quite likely that you will be using an email in which to write a covering letter. If you are writing an email cover letter it is even more important to be clear and concise in what you write. Generally the reader will not want to have to work their way through large blocks of text to find out why you are writing and what you have to offer. This means you should aim to confine the content of your email into a single screen sized page. Some guidelines to follow: Use the subject line to clearly convey your purpose in writing. Explain in the first sentence why you are writing.  In dot point form provide a very brief summary of your key selling points – your relevant skills, knowledge and experience. In your closing sentence indicate that you are looking forward to meeting them in the interview where you can further demonstrate your capabilities. top^ Keep good records  When you begin to seriously look for employment it is possible that you will prepare numerous, and different versions of cover letters, your resume and other documentation associated with your application. Should you be invited to attend an interview, or an employer contacts you by telephone (with or without notice) to conduct a screening interview, it will be imperative that you are able to quickly locate and refer to the information you have given that employer. A good filing system will assist you to do this. Keep a separate file for each job application. Include in this file: The job advertisement. Job or person specifications. Any notes or worksheets associated with the position. A copy of the cover letter, resume and any other documentation you send to the employer.