Monday, July 22, 2019

Years 1515-1525 Henry Viii Essay Example for Free

Years 1515-1525 Henry Viii Essay Do you agree with the view that in the years 1515-1525 Henry VIII wholly surrendered power in government to Cardinal Wolsey? To a certain extent within †¨Source 4 (by J.J. Scarisbrick 1968) supports the idea that possibly Henry VIII actually did surrender power over to Wolsey. The evidence within the source that suggests this possibly for being the truth is ‘a self-indulgent King had wholly surrendered the cares of the state into the Cardinals hands’. To further support this case, it is clear that Wolsey was extremely powerful, he had vast amounts of bishoprics (Archbishop of Canterbury, Tournai, Durham just to name a few) and was the head of things such as the Star Chamber where Wolsey got himself heavily involved with. This is shown when you compared the number of cases Wolsey took on (120) compared to that of Henry VII who dealt with only 12. Also Wolsey had control of all of the state finances and could make large changes to things such as the taxation system he was able to introduce a new form of tax known as the ‘Subsidy’ which was more popular since it meant the poor payed far less tax than previously than with the old 15’s and 10’s taxation method. This new taxation method allowed Wolsey to pay for king’s foreign affairs. As well as this ‘subsidy’, since Wolsey had such significant power he was able to also raise considerable amounts of capital through other means, such as through ‘benevolences’ and enforced loans from the nobility, which raised  £200,000 in 1522. This shows that Wolsey was especially powerful as ‘benevolences’ was money disguised as a gift and was only ever done by monarchs, possibly suggesting that Wolsey could be classed as an Alter Rex. Despite the positivity and great power J.J. Scarisbrick gives to Wolsey within the source we also learn that George Cavendish influences this source significantly even right from the beginning ‘Cavendishtells us’. Cavendish was Wolsey’s friend and servant, meaning he would be more than likely faithful to his master and try and write as positively about him as possible. This means that potentially the source might not be so reliable. However, Source 5 written in 1994 by John Lotherington, appears to disagree with that of the view of source 4. In parts it appears to actually agree with source 4, ‘Wolsey held a dominant position in government and controlled the distribution of patronage’ but then the source continues to say, ‘And of course the ultimate source of all power was the King’. This quote can be proven true with examples of Henry preventing Wolsey from doing something, such as in 1523 when Wolsey launched a sea attack upon the French without the kings permission, this led to Wolsey having to apologize for his actions. This shows that Henry still had control over Wolsey and that he couldn’t get away with something so easily. Also even though source 4 claims that Wolsey had very strong control, that even with this power he couldn’t prevent such things like The Amicable Grant of 1525 from being a disaster, and without aids from The Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk it could have been an even more disastrous, this proves Henry was more in control than Wolsey because the Dukes only subdued the rebellions on Henry’s behalf, not Wolsey’s. This is showing how Henry had not wholly surrendered his government power, and could still contest Wolsey’s decisions and problems. The source was also written in 1994, therefore the historians view is likely to be more factual rather than written in the period and being more biased, as can be the case, especially if that figure in question is still alive or has close descendants. Source 6 appears to agree with the opinions of Source 5 in that Henry VIII had not wholly surrendered power in government to Wolsey. Source 6 is a letter from Henry to Wolsey in 1520, it says, ‘I desire you to keep a watch on the Duke of Suffolk, the Duke of Buckingham, my lord of Northumberland, my lord Derby, my lord of Wiltshire and on any others of whom you are suspicious’ The source shows Henry giving orders to Wolsey, suggesting that Wolsey did not have all of the governmental power, I also know this from my own knowledge. For example Wolsey’s fall from grace on the 9th October 1529 (when he is charged with praemunire, which is exercising his legatine power to the detriment of the King) because he was unable to secure the divorce for Henry. The fact that the King was able to remove Wolsey’s power so quickly again illustrates how Henry had no wholly surrendered his government power to Wolsey, as his decisions overruled any of Wolsey’s. The source is also fairly reliable, as it was written by Henry himself and is clearly giving Wolsey orders, even before he has fallen from grace. In conclusion, I do not agree with the view that in the year’s 155-1525 Henry VIII wholly surrendered power in government to Cardinal Wolsey. This is because both sources 5 and 6 corroborate the idea that although Wolsey does have a large amount of government power, Henry still makes overruling decisions and exercises government power over Wolsey. This is also backed up with my own knowledge. Therefore, Henry did not wholly surrender his government power to Wolsey.

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